

Carga Pesada Magazine, created and produced by Ampla Publishers, since 1985. It is aimed at the cargo hauling sector, with a national range of contents and discussions about major issues of such business. The guidelines are set by the Editorial Board, formed by the team of editors, haulers and leaders in the transportation sector.

Meant to unionized truck drivers and businessmen with a guarantee of load and revenue, it has a potential of 90,000 readers per issue, with a circulation, audited by Price Waterhouse, of 30,000 copies. Hence the slogan: Carga Pesada – THE MAGAZINEOF THE BUYER.

In addition to an editorial approach in tune with the real interests of the transportation segment, we are the the most involved publication of the sector with environmental issues and projects.

Since 2000 july we have created the Ecological Caravan (, with performers who speak to the truckers and their families about the 
need of combatting wild animal trafficking along the Brazilian country roads as well as on the care of rivers and springs while transporting dangerous products, to preserve the diversity of life on the planet.


With the slogans “green road, clean water” and “The economy is a friend of the environment,” the performance travel throughout Brazil spreading culture and environmental awareness to the road users.

Another initiative of the Carga Pesada magazine was the creation, since 2009, of the first children’s magazine of the road: CARGUINHA (, aimed at truckers’ children, potential future transportation professionals.

All these initiatives are part of the project GREEN ROAD – Transport with responsibility – which focus on the development, publication and support of actions of social responsibility and environmental protection aimed at the transportation sector.